Kylie Cosmetics
Kylie Cosmetics is rebranding and creating one umbrella company so it would be easier for users to go back and forth between the cosmetics, skin, baby and global nav bar which encompasses all of the brands.
Role: Help creative team including UX lead, creative director, and the UI team create wireframes that would be translated into high fidelity comps.
Target Demographic: 15-30 year olds who are into celebrities, 90% of time on their mobile devices and constantly on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok.
The below wireframes (with a few omitted) are what I had worked on.
Sign up & login
top navigation & footer
Shop All
error page
Product Details Page
Collaborating with various stakeholders daily made this project a lot easier and to make sure to be on track for deliverables
About 70% of the work that I had designed was used for the MVP– new website launched months later than anticipated
Working with internal UX designer and content to deliver wireframes so they could update for further versions
No data on conversions after this was launched